L298n motor driver connection with arduino
L298n motor driver connection with arduino

l298n motor driver connection with arduino

These instructions are based on the silkscreen of the board that I have.

  • Attach an M2.5 standoff with two flat ends underneath.
  • Hold the screw in place with your finger.
  • From the top of the board, put an M2.5 screw through a hole on the corner of the board.
  • But it reduces the chance of shorting if you place the board on metal or spill something on to the work surface.
  • Make sure the wheels aren't touching the supporting wheel.
  • Make sure that the wires are closer to the middle.
  • Use the standoffs to hold the two motors together.
  • If you have a 3D printer, clamp, helping hands or some spare parts you can design something a bit more stable. This is a quick way of putting together a rig that won't roll away while testing. You can buy the parts for this article by following my affiliate links to either Amazon or AliExpress: Part

    #L298n motor driver connection with arduino how to#

    I'll provide a quick demo program so you can see how to run the motors through a predefined sequence. In the second part I will show you how to quickly wire up the driver to an Arduino. It should also give you ideas for very simple robot projects. This will give you a better understanding of how a motor driver works. In the first part I will show you how to control the driver without the need for a computer. Most motorized toys and many robot chassis kits use simple DC motors.

    l298n motor driver connection with arduino

    In this way, we can control the direction of rotation of motors.In this tutorial I cover how to drive two DC (direct current) motors using an L298N motor driver. If both the terminals are given as either LOW or HIGH then we can see that there is no potential difference between the terminals therefore the motors won’t run. If the voltage at terminals is interchanged means HIGH in above is made LOW and LOW is made HIGH then the direction of the motors is reversed. One pin of the motor will be in higher potential and others will be in lower potential. Using two digital pins with one as HIGH and one as LOW we are creating a potential difference between the terminals of the motor.

    l298n motor driver connection with arduino

    We know that we can program output voltages in Arduino. This potential difference is created and controlled by the Arduino (microcontroller unit). WORKING EXPLANATION OF L298N Generally, a motor works when there is a potential difference between two of its terminals. See that the ground pin and 12V pin do not touch each other as it will lead to the failure of the battery and L298N module.See that connections are made properly and be careful with the terminals of the battery.The four output pins of the motor driver are connected to the terminals of the motor.

    l298n motor driver connection with arduino

  • The four input pins are connected to the digital pins of Arduino as shown in the figure.
  • The ground pin of the motor driver is connected to the battery negative and one of the ground pin of Arduino.
  • 5V pin of the motor driver is connected to 5V of Arduino.
  • The 12V pin is connected to the positive of the battery.
  • INTERFACING L298N with ARDUINO:- MOTOR DRIVER INTERFACING WITH ARDUINO UNO The Arduino interfacing with the L298N is given below. The same configuration applies for L293D also, but the difference comes in them with the pair of enabling pins and power withstanding capacity of L298N.

    L298n motor driver connection with arduino